Friday, October 11, 2013

Favorite Fridays! Restaurants

Happy Friday everyone! My apologies for a lack of posts lately, haven't been cooking as much as usual, but be prepared for next week :) It's time for another Favorite Friday! This week's topic: Restaurants. We all eat out frequently, what are some of your favorites? One of my all-time favorites is Margarita's Mexican restaurant. I feel like it's somewhat authentic, but either way, it is freakin' delicious! It actually turns out that I am going there for lunch today (how fitting!). Feel free to comment here on the blog, or tweet me @chris_kinnier using #cookingforoneboston and #favoritefriday's!

1 comment:

  1. PS. Not authentic. Go try this place by Fenway. It's called El Pelon Taqueria. OR better yet. Go to Mexico and eat some street food. Or as another suggestion for our favorite restaurants. La Casa Brito in Westminster, CA. lol
