Thursday, June 5, 2014

Simple Caesar Salad

If you are like me and you are living on a tight budget, it is sometimes hard to eat delicious food! Sure, it's easy to grab some Ramen noodles or Kraft macaroni and cheese off of the shelf and save a few dollars. BUT, if you think about what you already have in your kitchen, then you may only need a few other ingredients to make something delicious. I knew I had some grilled chicken in the fridge, and some croutons in the cupboard, so I decided to make a nice salad. All I had to pick up from the grocery store was some Spring Mix, Cherry Tomatoes (and any other veggies you want to add), and some dressing. Boom, done. A delicious yet simple and cheap dinner! I enjoyed mine with a refreshing summer shandy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if you really know what a Caesar salad is...
